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Private Arena Hack

Purchase required to enroll
Sometimes a lesson is not what someone truly needs, students just need to stew on the information that they already have in their brains and play with different options. I think there's a great benefit, especially for adults, to just getting saddle seat time to try things and figure things out.

Arena Hacks are one time rides for regularly riding students (ages 15+) to practice and hone their skills. The goal is to allow students have the time to develop more "feel." Feel is both a cognitive understanding as well as a feature of muscle memory. To develop the understanding start with the goal in mind, and then identify necessary requirements (sub-goals) and steps to reach that goal. By playing with the process, you will develop a deeper muscle memory. The more opportunities you have to experience this, the more your feel will develop.

Reserve a horse for one hour of arena only riding to practice concepts being learned in lessons. Rides must be pre-paid. All riders will be responsible for tacking up their own horse and riding unsupervised in a safe and constructive manner. All riders under 18 years old must be supervised by an adult.

Only riders who are regular riders at our stables with background knowledge of our horses will be allowed to partake in this program. Riders must not exceed the competency of the riding that they are doing in their lessons.

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Mar 26 Wednesday 40 Times Available 42 Times Available 37 Times Available