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Painted Bar Stables is a community-oriented riding facility located just up uphill from Watkins Glen, N.Y. The stable offers year-round guided trail rides to the general public as well as lessons, leasing, boarding and educational opportunities to facilitate dream-realization and lifelong relationships between people and horses.

Specializing in trail riding, the stable has reliable horses to guarantee a safe, secure adventure on horseback for riders of all ages and abilities. Our experienced horses carry riders through the rolling landscape of the Finger Lakes Region on beautiful trails ranging from simple to rugged terrain. Each ride is carefully crafted through matchmaking of the horse and rider and selection of the perfect trail to give every individual the best experience possible.


Riding and Horsemanship Lessons

Introductory Lesson $40 per appointment

Group Lesson $80 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass

Trail Quest Class From $95 per visit with Long Format Lessons: Distance, Trail Quests & Dressage - 10 Pack pass No purchase required to enroll

Trail Quest Classes are a weekly series of trail riding horseback lessons with a focus on real world riding specifically as it relates to trail.

If you plan to register, please sign up for the "waitlist." Once the instructor is sure that an appropriate horse is available and assigns you a mount, they will approve your registration.

Tiny Tot Horsemanship - Group Lesson $30 per appointment From $27 per visit with Tiny Tot Group Lesson Package x10 pass

Our Tiny Tots Horsemanship program is designed to develop skills and confidence for kids under the age of 5 who are not quite ready to ride a horse all by themselves.

Pee Wee Prep Lesson $40 per appointment $145

These Pee Wee Prep lessons are a pre-pee wee level group riding class preparing students who are between the Tiny Tot and Pee Wee level riding lessons.

Pee Wee Group Lesson $70 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass

Pee Wee Private Lesson $45 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Groundwork - 60min Group Lesson From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Western Dressage & Pattern Practice $90 per class From $95 per visit with Long Format Lessons: Distance, Trail Quests & Dressage - 10 Pack pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

This practice session is focused on helping to coach riders riders to hone their skills through the practice, repetition, perfection and performance of patterns. These "tests" are set patterns by international standards at various levels and can be used at various schooling shows throughout the area.

Endurance Races, Clinics & Trips

Crew Camp: Distance Riding Crew Support Clinic $250 Purchase required to enroll

Crew Camp is for non-riding participants to learn all of the veterinary skills needed for vet checkpoints, how to support and care for the horse at the holds, and how to support a rider who may be exhausted. Learning the logistics of the ride is key to a team’s success!

Distance Riding Bootcamp $1,000 Purchase required to enroll

Want to do distance competitions? This camp is a boot camp for those looking to learn more about endurance racing and competitive trail rides.

Endurance Race Starting at $100 per appointment A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Mock Endurance Race $100 per class From $76 per visit with Group Lesson Package X 5 pass No purchase required to enroll

Endurance - 15 Mile Introductory Ride Purchase required to enroll

15 mile introductory ride on a Painted Bar Stables horse

Endurance - 30 Mile Limited Distance Race $550 Purchase required to enroll

30 Mile endurance race on a Painted Bar Stables horse

Endurance Travel Trip: 4 Days $1,700 Purchase required to enroll

Entry and Travel to more distance Endurance Racing events.

Michigan Shore-to-Shore Endurance Trip: 6 Days $2,400 Purchase required to enroll

Entry and Travel to more distance Endurance Racing events.

Endurance Travel Trip: 3 Days $1,275 Purchase required to enroll

Entry and Travel to more distance Endurance Racing events.

Equitreks & Vacations

Otter Creek Vacations $500 per class From $425 per visit with Otter Creek: 5 Days, 4 Nights pass Purchase required to enroll

EquiTravel Horse Vacation - Biltmore Trip Purchase required to enroll

Our flagship EquiTravels trip to the Biltmore Estate.

Overnight EquiTrek $700 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

FLX EquiTrek $1,050 Purchase required to enroll

A three day trek through the Finger Lakes National Forest

All Day Trail Ride $350 per class Purchase required to enroll

An All-Day trail ride adventure through the local National or State Forests.

EquiTravel Horse Vacation - 2 Days $700 Purchase required to enroll

3 Days of Travel to various riding destinations.

EquiTravel Horse Vacation - 3 Day Trip Purchase required to enroll

3 Days of Travel to various riding destinations.

EquiTravel Horse Vacation - 4 Day Trip $1,500 Purchase required to enroll

4 Days of Travel to various riding destinations.


Horseplay Pee Wee Day Camp (ages 6-9) $150 per class Purchase required to enroll

Want just one day of fun? Horseplay Day Camp is one day completely full of horses for campers ages 6 to 9. Campers feed and care for horses, hit the trails for a trail riding lesson, and play educational games for a jam-packed day of horses!

Youth Adventure Camp (ages 10-17) $750 Purchase required to enroll

Various youth riding for children ages 10+ of all levels.

Youth Horsemanship Camp (ages 10-17) $650 Purchase required to enroll

This camp is designed to give youth the opportunity to work with horses and fully understand what goes into their maintenance, care and ownership.

Adult Immersion Retreat Camp - Non-Riding Partner $1,650 Purchase required to enroll

Join your partner at camp!

Adult Immersion Retreat Camp $3,300 Purchase required to enroll

An all inclusive overnight camp for Gusty Novices and Seasoned Riders.
Come ride with us in lessons, game nights and sunset trail rides and really immerse yourself in the world of horseback riding while spending each night in a 19th century farmhouse overlooking Seneca Lake and eating fantastic locally sourced meals.

Adult Commuter Camp $2,200 Purchase required to enroll

Want to do our immersion camp but don't need the yurt?

GIAC Camp Day No purchase required to enroll

Greenhorn Training Club

Greenhorn Group Training Class $55 per class Purchase required to enroll

Learn how to better understand the training process for green horses and expanding knowledge on horsemanship skills.

Greenhorn Group Practice Sessions $20 per class No purchase required to enroll

Group social practicing sessions for horse training.

Greenhorn Private Lessons $45 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Private lessons to develop horse training skills.

Greenhorn Practice Lab No purchase required to enroll

Membership Rides

Membership Hour (All Levels) $50 per class No purchase required to enroll

Membership rides hours are for riders who can ride independently. It's a fun community setting where everyone can ride and work on their own independent goals.

Membership Hour (First String + Pros) $50 per class No purchase required to enroll

Membership rides hours are for riders who can ride independently. It's a fun community setting where everyone can ride and work on their own independent goals.

Private Arena Hack Purchase required to enroll

Sometimes a lesson is not what someone truly needs, students just need to stew on the information that they already have in their brains and play with different options. I think there's a great benefit, especially for adults, to just getting saddle seat time to try things and figure things out.

Courses & Workshops

Seminar Class $50 per class From $30 per visit with Seminar Series - 12 Classes pass No purchase required to enroll

In person hands on learning opportunities to dive into topics and develop a deeper understanding.

Webinar Class Free A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Online Webinars are offered concurrently with our seminar series order to include people who can't join us because they just live too far away or because scheduling or transport issues get in the way.

Blacksmithing Classes $80 per class From $38 per visit with Auditor Pass - Blacksmithing and Forging for Beginners pass Purchase required to enroll

Blacksmithing Classes designed to introduce people to working and forging steel.

Farrier Classes $50 per class From $30 per visit with Seminar Series - 12 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll

Farrier Classes are designed for horse people of various levels to learn more about care, management and function of hooves - essential knowledge for all owners and riders (Must be 13 years+).

Girl Scout Event No purchase required to enroll

Farrier Demo No purchase required to enroll

Farrier Clinic - 3 Day $600 Purchase required to enroll

An intensive 3 day camp for learning about farrier topics. The Farrier 101 camp is for owners, riders and future farriers.

Forge It Blacksmithing Class $150 per class Purchase required to enroll

3-Hour Class teaching the construction of one item using blacksmithing techniques.


Barn Tour $20 per class No purchase required to enroll

Specialty Lessons

Private Lesson - 60 Minutes $90 per appointment

Private Lessons are a 1-on-1 instruction opportunity for people looking to work on specific issues and concepts.

Groundwork - 30min Private Lesson $50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Drag Rider Trail Guiding Class $35 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Learn the basics of helping clients from beginning to end and making trail rides a smooth, safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Drag Rider Test Out $50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Groundwork - 60min Private Lesson $65 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Lungeline Bootcamps $45 per appointment No purchase required to enroll

Private 120 Minute Lesson on Trail No purchase required to enroll

Private Skill Check Lesson No purchase required to enroll

Staff Riding

TRAINING PBS HORSE - 1 HOUR No purchase required to enroll

Trail Rides

Community Trail Ride: 1 Hour, WALK ONLY $50 per class Purchase required to enroll

Community Trail Rides and Group Arena Hack times are riding opportunities for those who want to ride on their own but have the presence and support of Painted Bar Staff. These rides are an opportunity for those who are looking to grow in terms of independence and have addition opportunities to practice their skills.

Community Trail Ride: 1 Hour, WALK TROT Purchase required to enroll

Community Trail Rides and Group Arena Hack times are riding opportunities for those who want to ride on their own but have the presence and support of Painted Bar Staff. These rides are an opportunity for those who are looking to grow in terms of independence and have addition opportunities to practice their skills.

Community Trail Ride: 1 Hour, TROT CANTER Purchase required to enroll

Community Trail Rides and Group Arena Hack times are riding opportunities for those who want to ride on their own but have the presence and support of Painted Bar Staff. These rides are an opportunity for those who are looking to grow in terms of independence and have addition opportunities to practice their skills.

Community Trail Ride - 2 Hour $100 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Community Trail Rides are not open to the public and are specifically designed for our regularly riding students looking to enjoy their community.

Owners of outside horses are allowed to join adult intermediate level rides.

Trail Ride - 1 Hour $80 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass

Trail Ride : 1.5 Hours $120 per appointment

Trail Ride: 2 Hour $160 per class No purchase required to enroll

Trail Ride: Half Day 3 Hour $270 per class No purchase required to enroll

Half-Day Trail Rides $265 per class No purchase required to enroll

Student Moonlight Trail Ride $93.50 per class From $95 per visit with Long Format Lessons: Distance, Trail Quests & Dressage - 10 Pack pass No purchase required to enroll


Clinic $65 per class No purchase required to enroll

Barton Valley Hunter Pace or Scavenger Hunts $280 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Hunter Paces are a fun way to get off site and explore new trails and jumping on a course.

Horse Show A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

Tournament $45 per class Purchase required to enroll

Horseplay Obstacle Tournament Series

Photoshoot Specialty Appointment $95 per appointment

Photoshoot $75 per class Purchase required to enroll

Photo shoots on specific dates for students.

Field Trip: Day Trip $100 per class No purchase required to enroll

Show & Tell $110 per class From $150 per visit with Show & Tell - with Coach Assistance pass No purchase required to enroll

A Show & Tell is 1 part show and 2 parts clinic.

Painting in the Pasture $40 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.

We have partnered with a local watercolor artist Lisa Baechtle to offer what we think is a magical opportunity to paint while surrounded by a herd of 40 horses in a pasture at sunset.

Educational Field Trip Free Purchase required to enroll

Various Educational Field Trips

Mock Horse Show No purchase required to enroll