Specializing in trail riding, the stable has reliable horses to guarantee a safe, secure adventure on horseback for riders of all ages and abilities. Our experienced horses carry riders through the rolling landscape of the Finger Lakes Region on beautiful trails ranging from simple to rugged terrain. Each ride is carefully crafted through matchmaking of the horse and rider and selection of the perfect trail to give every individual the best experience possible.
Riding and Horsemanship Lessons
Introductory Lesson $40 per appointment
Group Lesson $80 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass
Trail Quest Class From $95 per visit with Long Format Lessons: Distance, Trail Quests & Dressage - 10 Pack pass No purchase required to enroll
If you plan to register, please sign up for the "waitlist." Once the instructor is sure that an appropriate horse is available and assigns you a mount, they will approve your registration.
Tiny Tot Horsemanship - Private Lesson $35 per appointment
Tiny Tot Horsemanship - Group Lesson $30 per appointment From $27 per visit with Tiny Tot Group Lesson Package x10 pass
Pee Wee Prep Lesson $40 per appointment $145
Pee Wee Group Lesson $70 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass
Pee Wee Private Lesson $45 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
Groundwork - 60min Group Lesson From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Western Dressage & Pattern Practice $90 per class From $95 per visit with Long Format Lessons: Distance, Trail Quests & Dressage - 10 Pack pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Endurance Races, Clinics & Trips
Crew Camp: Distance Riding Crew Support Clinic $250 Purchase required to enroll
Distance Riding Bootcamp $1,000 Purchase required to enroll
Endurance Race Starting at $100 per appointment A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Mock Endurance Race $100 per class From $76 per visit with Group Lesson Package X 5 pass No purchase required to enroll
Endurance - 15 Mile Introductory Ride Purchase required to enroll
Endurance - 30 Mile Limited Distance Race $550 Purchase required to enroll
Endurance Travel Trip: 4 Days $1,700 Purchase required to enroll
Michigan Shore-to-Shore Endurance Trip: 6 Days $2,400 Purchase required to enroll
Endurance Travel Trip: 3 Days $1,275 Purchase required to enroll
Equitreks & Vacations
Otter Creek Vacations $500 per class From $425 per visit with Otter Creek: 5 Days, 4 Nights pass Purchase required to enroll
EquiTravel Horse Vacation - Biltmore Trip Purchase required to enroll
Overnight EquiTrek $700 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
FLX EquiTrek $1,050 Purchase required to enroll
All Day Trail Ride $350 per class Purchase required to enroll
EquiTravel Horse Vacation - 2 Days $700 Purchase required to enroll
EquiTravel Horse Vacation - 3 Day Trip Purchase required to enroll
EquiTravel Horse Vacation - 4 Day Trip $1,500 Purchase required to enroll
Horseplay Pee Wee Day Camp (ages 6-9) $150 per class Purchase required to enroll
Youth Adventure Camp (ages 10-17) $750 Purchase required to enroll
Youth Horsemanship Camp (ages 10-17) $650 Purchase required to enroll
Adult Immersion Retreat Camp - Non-Riding Partner $1,650 Purchase required to enroll
Adult Immersion Retreat Camp $3,300 Purchase required to enroll
Come ride with us in lessons, game nights and sunset trail rides and really immerse yourself in the world of horseback riding while spending each night in a 19th century farmhouse overlooking Seneca Lake and eating fantastic locally sourced meals.
Adult Commuter Camp $2,200 Purchase required to enroll
GIAC Camp Day No purchase required to enroll
Greenhorn Training Club
Greenhorn Group Training Class $55 per class Purchase required to enroll
Greenhorn Group Practice Sessions $20 per class No purchase required to enroll
Greenhorn Private Lessons $45 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
Greenhorn Practice Lab No purchase required to enroll
Membership Rides
Membership Hour (All Levels) $50 per class No purchase required to enroll
Membership Hour (First String + Pros) $50 per class No purchase required to enroll
Private Arena Hack Purchase required to enroll
Courses & Workshops
Seminar Class $50 per class From $30 per visit with Seminar Series - 12 Classes pass No purchase required to enroll
Webinar Class Free A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Blacksmithing Classes $80 per class From $38 per visit with Auditor Pass - Blacksmithing and Forging for Beginners pass Purchase required to enroll
Farrier Classes $50 per class From $30 per visit with Seminar Series - 12 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll
Girl Scout Event No purchase required to enroll
Farrier Demo No purchase required to enroll
Farrier Clinic - 3 Day $600 Purchase required to enroll
Forge It Blacksmithing Class $150 per class Purchase required to enroll
Barn Tour $20 per class No purchase required to enroll
Specialty Lessons
Private Lesson - 60 Minutes $90 per appointment
Groundwork - 30min Private Lesson $50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
Drag Rider Trail Guiding Class $35 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Drag Rider Test Out $50 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
Groundwork - 60min Private Lesson $65 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Lungeline Bootcamps $45 per appointment No purchase required to enroll
Private 120 Minute Lesson on Trail No purchase required to enroll
Private Skill Check Lesson No purchase required to enroll
Staff Riding
TRAINING PBS HORSE - 1 HOUR No purchase required to enroll
Trail Rides
Community Trail Ride: 1 Hour, WALK ONLY $50 per class Purchase required to enroll
Community Trail Rides and Group Arena Hack times are riding opportunities for those who want to ride on their own but have the presence and support of Painted Bar Staff. These rides are an opportunity for those who are looking to grow in terms of independence and have addition opportunities to practice their skills.
Community Trail Ride: 1 Hour, WALK TROT Purchase required to enroll
Community Trail Rides and Group Arena Hack times are riding opportunities for those who want to ride on their own but have the presence and support of Painted Bar Staff. These rides are an opportunity for those who are looking to grow in terms of independence and have addition opportunities to practice their skills.
Community Trail Ride: 1 Hour, TROT CANTER Purchase required to enroll
Community Trail Rides and Group Arena Hack times are riding opportunities for those who want to ride on their own but have the presence and support of Painted Bar Staff. These rides are an opportunity for those who are looking to grow in terms of independence and have addition opportunities to practice their skills.
Community Trail Ride - 2 Hour $100 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Owners of outside horses are allowed to join adult intermediate level rides.
Trail Ride - 1 Hour $80 per appointment From $72 per visit with Group Lesson Package x 10 pass
Trail Ride : 1.5 Hours $120 per appointment
Trail Ride: 2 Hour $160 per class No purchase required to enroll
Trail Ride: Half Day 3 Hour $270 per class No purchase required to enroll
Half-Day Trail Rides $265 per class No purchase required to enroll
Student Moonlight Trail Ride $93.50 per class From $95 per visit with Long Format Lessons: Distance, Trail Quests & Dressage - 10 Pack pass No purchase required to enroll
Clinic $65 per class No purchase required to enroll
Barton Valley Hunter Pace or Scavenger Hunts $280 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Horse Show A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Tournament $45 per class Purchase required to enroll
Photoshoot Specialty Appointment $95 per appointment
Photoshoot $75 per class Purchase required to enroll
Field Trip: Day Trip $100 per class No purchase required to enroll
Show & Tell $110 per class From $150 per visit with Show & Tell - with Coach Assistance pass No purchase required to enroll
Painting in the Pasture $40 per class A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
Educational Field Trip Free Purchase required to enroll
Mock Horse Show No purchase required to enroll